
True cinnamon, cinnamon verum, is a spice that comes from the light brown bark of small evergreens native to Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and southern parts of India. The bark is thin, tender and fibrous. Cinnamon verum was one of the first spices traded in the ancient world. Cinnamon grown and widely used in Mexico is also cinnamon verum.

Cinnamon bark and leaves have been used as a botanical medicine for over 4,000 years. All cinnamon bark and leaves are rich in nutrients as well as phytonutrients with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

Cinnamon cassia is grown in China, Vietnam and Indonesia. Cassia bark has a dark reddish-brown color and is thicker than Ceylon cinnamon. It has a stronger taste. For sticks, it is rolled into a one-layer scroll that is hard to break. Cinnamon verum has many fine layers when rolled into what are called quills, not a solid stick. Most commercial cinnamon in the U.S. is a combination of cinnamon verum and cassia. Cassia cinnamon contains high levels of natural coumarin, but Ceylon cinnamon has very little.

Before taking cinnamon as a supplement, talk to your doctor, since large amounts of cinnamon cassia can interfere with medications and could cause liver damage, but for most of us, cinnamon is safe for culinary use.

Certain brands of cinnamon may also be heavily contaminated with lead. You can check brands on the internet.

Peak Time: Year round

Average Price: $9.99 for 23 grams (Burlap and Barrel Ceylon cinnamon quill) low lead; $7.89 for 32 grams (Simply Organic cassia cinnamon sticks) low lead

Tips for Selection and Storage: If you are concerned with high levels of coumarin look for Cinnamon verum from Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Don’t buy cinnamon if the origin is not on the label. Many brands of cassia and Ceylon are continually tested for heavy metals like lead. Whole Foods 365 cinnamon and Simply Organic cinnamon found at Whole Foods, Walmart, Target, Publix, Fresh Market, Kroger and Sprouts have been found to be low lead brands. It is not always easy to find Ceylon cinnamon that is low lead. Ceylon cinnamon costs more because it is the original cinnamon. Most cinnamon available in the U.S. is cassia because it is cheaper. Like all spices, cinnamon, whether ground or in sticks or quills, should be stored in a cool, dark area away from heat and light.

Tips for Preparation: When using Ceylon or cassia cinnamon ground or in sticks, you may need to adjust the amount in the recipe to your taste. Also, you may use 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon for every cinnamon stick in a recipe.

Nutritional Highlights: Cinnamon is rich in the mineral’s calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and potassium. It is also a great source of vitamin A from beta carotene. It has traces of B vitamins and vitamin K. Cinnamon is an excellent source of many phytonutrients that have antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent cancer, type 2 diabetes and many other conditions.

Homemade Cinnamon Spiced Apple Cider recipe