Once thought of as an exotic tropical fruit, mangoes are now available year-round. Although native to Southeast Asia, thousands of mango varieties are spread throughout
God saw all that He had made, and it was very good. – Genesis 1:31
For most of my life, I have been captured by food and culture. I traveled with my grandmother throughout the U.S., Mexico and Europe from the age of five or six into my teens. I have lived in Israel, Costa Rica and Venezuela and have traveled to many other continents and countries. Everywhere, it was food — food in gardens, food in fields, food in markets, food in home kitchens, food on the street — that connected me to the places I went and the people I met. The more I learned about food – whole food, real food, food and herbs used as medicine in many cultures — the more I began to understand through food science that the flavors we love lead us to the nutrients we need for health and well-being.
I’m Pat Terry,
See About Pat for more.
Once thought of as an exotic tropical fruit, mangoes are now available year-round. Although native to Southeast Asia, thousands of mango varieties are spread throughout
When you have cold, COLD weather, nothing says “warm” like a quick stir fry with rice. So when the temps plummet, try this quick recipe
Say kale and you will probably get mixed replies. I do remember my great-grandmother cooking what she called “greens” A LOT! The south has a
When you have cold, COLD weather, nothing says “warm” like a quick stir fry with rice. So when the temps plummet, try this quick recipe
Say kale and you will probably get mixed replies. I do remember my great-grandmother cooking what she called “greens” A LOT! The south has a
When I eat this soup, I think of enjoying it with my colleagues and nutrition students in Costa Rica on a cafeteria veranda surrounded by