Nature is God’s Wellness Kitchen

where Food is Medicine

God saw all that He had made, and it was very good. – Genesis 1:31

Food is medicine...

For most of my life, I have been captured by food and culture.  I traveled with my grandmother throughout the U.S., Mexico and Europe from the age of five or six into my teens.  I have lived in Israel, Costa Rica and Venezuela and have traveled to many other continents and countries.  Everywhere, it was food — food in gardens, food in fields, food in markets, food in home kitchens, food on the street — that connected me to the places I went and the people I met. The more I learned about food – whole food, real food, food and herbs used as medicine in many cultures — the more I began to understand through food science that the flavors we love lead us to the nutrients we need for health and well-being. 

I’m Pat Terry,

See About Pat for more.

Pat Terry

In Season

White beans

White Beans

Like all beans or legumes, white beans originated in Central and South America. From there they’ve migrated around the world and are grown worldwide, with

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