
Wild strawberries are found growing in all the temperate regions of the world. Cultivated strawberries are a cross between two wild species from North America and South America that have been developed over several centuries. Strawberries are among the most popular berries consumed worldwide and include over 100 different varieties. Strawberries belong to the rose family of plants. Along with strawberries, other berries found in this plant family include blackberries, boysenberries, loganberries, raspberries, apples, almonds, apricots, cherries, peaches, plums, and prunes.


Peak Time: March to July

Average Price: $3.89 per pound

Tips for Selection and Storage: We look for Florida strawberries first in March and then begin to find local Alabama strawberries in April and May. Alabama holds several strawberry festivals  those two months. Since strawberries may be heavily treated with pesticides, choose organic or those grown as naturally as possible. When choosing strawberries, look for medium to small berries that are firm and very red with fresh green caps. The fresher the leaves, the fresher the strawberries. Strawberries do not ripen after picking. They are very perishable and should be bought only a few days before use. If bought already packaged, check the bottom to be sure unripe berries have not been hidden underneath ripe ones. They should be free of mold and bruises. Rinse and hull berries immediately before using since water seeps into the berries diluting flavor, changing texture, and destroying vitamin content. Cover and refrigerate remaining berries and use within a day or two or freeze for later use in cooking. To freeze, arrange them in a single layer on a flat sheet pan. Once frozen transfer to a heavy plastic bag and they will keep for up to one year.

Tips for Preparation: After rinsing, be sure the strawberries are dry before preparing. Pinch off, use a strawberry huller or cut off the leafy cap with a paring knife by inserting the tip of the knife into the strawberry next to the stem cap. Angle the knife tip toward the center. Turn the strawberry to guide the knife, keeping the knife tip angled to make a shallow cut around the bottom of the cap.  This way you waste the least fruit. Strawberries are at their best eaten fresh alone or in salads, yogurt, dipped, or as a topping. Traditional uses for strawberries include pies and tarts, cakes, muffins, jams, coulis, soufflés, mousses, ice creams, sorbets, smoothies, and ices. A quart or pound of strawberries yields about 4 cups of sliced berries depending on the size.

Nutritional Highlights: Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C with 1 cup of fresh berries supplying 113% of the minimum recommended 90 mg per day. Strawberries are also good sources of riboflavin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, vitamin K, manganese, potassium and dietary fiber. In addition to antioxidant properties of vitamin C, strawberries contain powerful polyphenol antioxidants that include flavonoids, phenolic acids, lignans, tannins, and stilbenes – most of which have anti-inflammatory properties. The manganese in strawberries also plays a role in antioxidant production. There are also small amounts of carotenoids in strawberries, especially lutein and zeaxanthin. All of these phytonutrients play a role in the benefits of strawberries such as heart health, vision, blood sugar control, and cancer prevention in a low calorie, yummy package.

For a recipe for strawberry pavlova, click here.